When and how does Cloudbric accept payments?

When does Cloudbric accept payments?

Cloudbric sends out the invoice at the beginning of the month and customers are given one week’s time to make the payment. But if the payment wasn't processed successfully, then we will send out another e-mail and ask you to check card balance and/or card expiration date.

How does Cloudbric accept payments?

Cloudbric only uses PayPal to accept payments. When traffic of your websites reach 4GB, we will send an alert e-mail with a payment request form. We will ask you to fill out PayPal Automatic Billing Form. 

If you do not fill out the form within the deadline, we will change your websites to bypass mode. Bypass mode means that there will be no security detection. After 3 days of bypass mode, your websites will be deleted from Cloudbric. 

Suppose you added a website on Monday and the traffic reached 100% on Friday (in 5 days). Then, we will send you an alert e-mail. 

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